Kubernetes Service Health Check Dashboard
K8s-service-Healthcheck is an application to generate report on health status of all deployed microservices for the Kubernetes environments.
Healthchecker uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
* Go
* Docker
* Helm
The Docker images are available in Docker Hub public Repository https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/hemantdua/k8s-service-healthchecker
The Code is available on github, for backend code is in master branch Where as for Ui code is in UI branch https://github.com/hemantdua56/K8s-service-Healthcheck
Kubernetes Deployment
* Helm
* Access to K8s Cluster
Follow the below steps
1. Create a values file as infra/helm/values/{ENV}.yaml and update the values as described in infra/helm/values/dev.yaml
2. Run below commands from the terminal from where you can access the K8s cluster
git clone https://github.com/hemantdua56/K8s-service-Healthcheck.git
# From the root project
helm upgrade — install healthchecker -f infra/helm/values/{ENV}.yaml ./infra/helm/